Thursday, September 07, 2006


It is hard to believe that Michael is getting so big. I look at him sometimes and I wonder where the time went. I am afraid I will turn around tomorrow and he will be going off to college. He is such a good kid, except when he is beating up Ray Ray. He loves to color, read, watch Blues Clues and he really loves to sing and dance. Everyday he says something new that just amazes me and boy can he repeat anything, even the things you don't want him to. He has a very good imagination already. Michael can count to 20 and say his ABC's, if you draw a number or a letter he can also tell you what it is. I think he is taking after his dad there, which is great. He loves playing with cars and has a lot of them all over the house. Just recently Michael has learned to help Mommy set the table and he does it very well.


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